The raise of "#MalwareMustDie!"
28 Aug 2012
Malware and its badness is seriously affecting our road in improving IT technology. Day by day good people in security "industry" are analyzing new malware, mitigating the the further infection by strengthen and blocking victim's prevention defensive layer of products, yet, malware, which is driven by the greediness of the actors supported by the fact of low risk of law and order consequences, is managed to grow exponentially and becoming unstoppable, by keeping on evolving its technology to one single purpose: to aim more victims.
Malware is now growing in large amount of variants and in a fast speed infection pace, as one of the scheme to evade filtration/detection/mitigation scheme of the defensive layers. Yes, malware bad actors are pushing their badness within the lag time between the new mitigation signature release to gain as many infection as possible.
There are questions that really to be answered now: "why" and "since when" we started to think and accept that malware is a "Never Ending" effort? As endless dilemma? Why this crime is unstoppable and growing wild?
Malware is now becoming a modern form of "online" crime tool of the several groups of bad actors, with their aggressive, tireless and persistent efforts that are systematic and organized, from the organization of the cyber criminal who sell the credential of the victims to the internet black market, some bunch crooks who aim to steal data and remotely logging the victim's computers, hacktivists who eager to infect the internet of things into a huge powerful traffic flooding cannons, entities who use them to spy on individuals, into the groups of extortionists with support scheme who aim for ransom upon successfully locking victim's system.
Malware is now abusing and exploiting us, not only harassing the internet obsolete scheme for the distribution, but malware is also ruining our moral values too (e.g.some of malware "methodology" are starting to be used "legally" against privacy rights, and people are okay to be advised to pay ransomware instead to stop supporting the bad actors who made it by paying ransoms, etc).
The other fact that we have to admit which is, currently our law and order infrastructure is still lacking of potential to stop the cyber crime threat for real and for good, in fact, a malware actors or blackhat hacker can always cover their trace to avoid evidence collecting. Potential by the mean of: budget, man power and knowledge. So right now, for stopping one targeted malware threat scheme law enforcement agencies have to do the global coordination and cooperation with several security entities, which is obviously costly and hard. Cyber crime is now highly profitable and far less risky than the real time crime act. This, made the rates of cyber criminal is having the lowest rank to face consequences of the badness they are doing,
In September 2014, the Europol released a report [link] that warned traditional gangs are increasingly turning to cybercrime for the above reasons.
The thing about our beloved current internet scheme is, a person, either he is a good guy or a bad guy, can use internet connection "in-the-fly" and connecting to any machine in any place and to any people he wants and performing some "activities", but when you have to handle a case of badness activity of an abuse or incident, specifically related to case the malware infection and its actors, you will be bumped to walls of boundaries, started from the service terms, domain names, territorial/regional regulation/law and in the end..politics. This is making a big issue now, so, one crook can start a badness easy and buying a bulk of domains for that purpose.. but the others can not stop that badness as easy and fast to avoid the victimization of that badness. Further, if this process is eventually combined with the law enforcing steps, the actors will be be a long gone. Unfortunately, this is the current fact now, let's face it.
Malware coders and cyber crime actors are also learning much about security exploitation technology more than us. This has been proven by their effort in keeping up following every vulnerability information, from internet server and client vectors. They also camouflage their real identity as malware coder or actors and joining some security communities in order to get the latest exploitation information to be used for their bad purpose. Their method in infection is improving too with R & D exchange between criminals in their "dark side" forums, the bad guys is teaching each others by e-book and tutorials, and so they are getting better and better, and currently few of them are actually learning so they can develop a new zeroday exploit for the purpose to make a big hit of infection. This, is also a current fact.
For the bad actors, this is all about money. Nothing personal, started from a simple economy oriented effect. For the honest living they can not get as much as they gain by using malware. They don't want to get arrested for malware they use, so they are supporting more people and more malware to join the jungle of infection scheme, they urge fellow hackers to use more bad traffic service, more loads to sell and more exploit kits promotion, with a promise of easy good money. It's no wonder if some actors, who are surviving for so long, now they are becoming clever and rich enough and having big influence in their bad-world community.
On the other hand, let's see our good people side, our malware fighting effort, now, is actually scattered in secrecy of groups, organizations or entities.People yell OPSEC here and there. Threat information is becoming a commodity in security industry. Victim's are becoming weak on their common sense in security for there are much tools to be bought and used and all they can do now is to TRUST on security products. Not to mention there are some "lame" products who are taking profit from innocent users by providing their "lame" protection too, who gain profit from the current unhappy situation. This situation is nobody's is just the fact, the way it is now that we need to improve, but frankly, it is not yet a winning stand against the rapid malware growth, instead the security industry seems to need the badness to keep on existing for them to make a living by products they sell to the victims.
What we actually need now is a better scheme to match the speed of a malware threat speed. To make the good and bad "fight" becoming a fair field to put things in good control. Internet is more and more becoming our real aspect in life and not a zoo, and was never meant to be built to be a zoo too. Realizing the situation, what we can do to make an improvement of this situation is, to start giving our hands and dedication in threat research, to spend some few hours in our time to learn, or to help others, to do anything we can do to help situation to improve. Anything that can improve the situation is worth to help. Raising the threat awareness, reporting a malicious threat that has not been seen until now, or furthermore, maybe some intelligence, these will help the expected improvement. Sadly, there is still not so many people doing these acts too.
Now. these malware come everyday in your email, in your hacked sites, in your compromised internet services, in your internet of things, they are targeting us directly, If not all people connected to internet would put a stand against malware, then there is nobody would, and there is no way we can put a winning stand against this threat forever, for sure.
Malware is aiming all of us, is exploiting our weaknesses to stab us. It is one of the source for our losing business, money and time, Please understand that TODAY, malware is NOT the only security industry's matter or security researchers problem anymore. But it is our problem, and it is up to us to control and reduce it as minimum as possible.
In order to help fixing the situation, we, a bunch of engineers and security researchers in twitter are starting "MalwareMustDie" volunteer campaign to raise people's awareness of malware threat issues. For they who want to get involve in effort to reduce malware damages, this is just a one available option for you. Do not feel no more fear, you can gather to be straightforward in opposing malware together! Malware threat cannot be conquered by the small amount of individuals, that's why your effort always helps. Let us gather strength & help each other to learn to fight it.
Malware and its crime scheme was a "taboo" topic in the internet, so a lot of common internet users mostly don't really know what is really going on out there. So we are starting to do what we can in raising its threat awareness to educate their security common sense, by technical disclosure on malware as details as possible and as easy as they can be revealed. We investigate the source of infections, its malicious scheme for you and providing crime evidence information to the authority. We are jumping to the front line to face the cyber crime directly, right in their home ground, in order to disclose malware's distribution bad actors for you to know. It is all for you to help in inspiring authority and law to act directly against it.
We need your help, if you think what we are doing is right, please support this movement. Reading and learning information about malware to educate yourself is a good start,then learn it further yourself so you may know how you can prevent their infection and can teach others to protect them self better is a step to move forward.
Or, perhaps you can do more by helping to turn off their infection machines faster from internet. Let us do whatever we can to improve our situation against the badness online.
Let's return the purity of internet. We all need you. Internet needs you.
Salve, Regina, mater misericordiae, vita, dulcedo et spes nostra, salve.
Ad te clamamus, exules filii Hevae.
Ad te suspiramus gementes et flentes in hac lacrimarum valle.
Eia ergo, advocata nostra, illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos converte.
Et Jesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui, nobis post hoc exsilium ostende.
O clemens, o pia, o dulcis Virgo Maria.
Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei Genitrix.
Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi.
MalwareMustDie, Non-Profit Organization (NPO) (c)MalwareMustDie, 2012-2016