[Slide|Video] Kelihos & Peter Severa; the "All Out" version
09 May 2016Tag: Kelihos, Khelios, P2P, FastFlux, Botnet, CNC, C2, Clickfraud, Traffic Redirection, Spambot, DNS Poison, Botnet as Service, Affiliate, Severa, Peter Severa, Petrushakov, Saever, Saushkin

We yanked this page off along with the slides & its video links from public view to support cyber crime investigation to stop the botnet for good. It's a good will from our investigation team and there's no such force of power involved.
All of the material and evidence of Kelihos Operation from MalwareMustDie from 2012 to 2016, were handed over to the United States law enforcement and we are not holding anything back.
If you are from other law enforcement agencies and interested to see what was in this page, please directly contact to the mentioned organization accordingly.
For the previous viewers, we are terribly sorry for the inconvenience, thank you for all of your great support to this matter.